How to explore your creativity?

Today we will read in this post .  How to treat creativity.  What is creativity for how it is and more?

creativity and innovation is the task of changing creativity and imaginative ideas in reality. 

The creativity is characterized by the ability to create relationships between unrelated events, looking at the world in new ways, finding hidden patterns, seemingly unrelated events.

 Two processes include: thinking, then production.

 If you have the idea, but do not work on them, then you are imaginative but are not creative. 

god must become an activity in our in our consciousness.


The music of this opera [Madame Butterfly] was dictated to me by god;I was merely instrumental in putting on paper and communicating it to the public

                                          Giacomo Puccini

"Creativity is a belligerious power: it has our ability to tap in the 'internal' pool of our resources - all the pieces of knowledge, insights, information, inspiration and populating our mind - which we have accumulated over the years.

 And the world I believe it, but you have to be ready to take risks and progress through inconvenience to come to the Finnish line.

 "A product is creative when it is
 (A) novel and (B) suitable. 

novel product is original which is not estimated. The big concept, and the more product stimulates further work and ideas, the same product is creative. 

"-Sternberg and Lubart, what is the Diffing The Crowd Innovation? 

Innovation is a new or important better product, service or process implementation that creates value for business, government or society. Some people say that there is nothing to do with the innovation of creativity - innovation is a discipline, which means that there is no creativity. 

Well, I disagree. Creativity is also an important part of a discipline and innovation equation. There is no innovation without creativity. Creating important metric value in both creativity and innovation.

 Creativity and Economic Development: 

 we are living in the era of creativity. Daniel Pink has defined economic development in his book A. 
 Whole Mind: Why Wright-Brainers The Rule The Future (2006): 

1. Agricultural era (Farmers) 2. Industrial Age (Factory Workers) 3. Information Age (Knowledge Worker) 4. Va In other words, creativity gives you a competitive advantage by adding your service or product value and separate your business with competition. As Sam Pamisano had said that when he was the CEO of IBM (2004), "either you do new or you are in the commodity hell. If you do what everyone does, then you have a low margin business. 

He is not where we want to be. "(1) In 2012, IBM began to rebuild themselves to become a design company, invested $ 100 million USD to hire designers, and educated 100,000 employees so that they can become a designer. 
(2) IBM Can the creativity be learned? The small answer is yes. A study of George Land shows that we are naturally creative and as we grow up, we learn to think without thinking. Creativity is a skill that can be developed and a process that can be managed.

 Creativity starts with the foundation of knowledge, learning a discipline, and mastering in the ways to think. You can learn to experiment, search, raise questions on assumptions, using imagination and synthesize information.

 Learning to be creative is similar to learning a game. It requires practice to develop the right muscles and a supportive environment, in which to flourish. Clayton M. Studies made by Kristenson and his researchers highlighted innovators DNA: Your ability to generate innovative ideas is not only the work of mind, but there is a work of five major behaviors which optimize your brain for search: unrelated The mantra is A-B-CD. (Dots always connect). 
 Creativity is a practice, and if you practice using these five search skills every day, you will develop your skills in creativity and innovation.

 "Creativity is the ability to see relationships where no one exists." - Thomas Disch,

 334, (1974) For example you can compare your company and among others outside your industry.

 Question I ask the teams of our customers for sessions related to my creativity and innovation: 

Why do you admire most of the companies and why? 

What are they doing that you can adopt or adopt your own company.

 Additional Creativity Resources: 

Creativity and Innovation Workshops A Creative Research Generative Research on Creativity Tools and Techniques shows that everyone has creative capabilities. The more you will have training and training will be as diverse, the ability of creative production will be more. 

 Research has shown that creativity is equal to quality. The list of ideas will be as long as the quality of the final solution will be equally. Often, the highest quality ideas appear at the end of the list. 

Behavior is normal; Like a sharp flowing river, it is a natural and continuous novel ... behavior flows and it does not stop changing anytime. The novel behavior is constantly generated, but it is certainly labeled when it has some special value for the community ... creativity is a basic process that we come to label all the behavior which is creative. "

A  PhD, psychology today to overcome myths about July / August 1996 creativity that only special, talented people are creative (and you have to be born in that way) reduces our confidence in our creative capabilities. Promote creativity on the work "(Vancouver Sun, September 12/98): The rules of the garage follow these simple rules and you will promote the culture of creativity and innovation: These were defined by HP, which was actually started in
a garage

how do you know if you are creatively blocked?

Jealousy is an excellent clue. Are there artist whom you resent? Do you tell yourself,"I could do that , if only...."Do you tell yourself that if only you took your creative potential seriously, you might:

Stop telling yourself," It's too late."

Stop waiting until you make enough money to do something you'd really love.

Stop telling yourself," It's just my ego" whenever you  yearn for a more creative life.

Stop telling yourself that dreams  don't matter,that they are only dreams and that you should be more sensible.

Stop fearing that your family and friends would think you crazy.

Stop telling yourself that creativity is a luxury and that you should be grateful for what you've got

As you learn to recognise, nurture and protect your inner artist, you will be able to move beyond pain and creative constriction. You will learn ways to recognise and resolve,fear, remove emotional scar tissue,and strengthen your confidence. Damaging old ideas about creativity will be explored and discarded. Working with this post, you will own Creativity- your private villaints, champions,wishes,fears, dreams,and triumphs . The experience will make your excited, depressed, angry,afraid, joyous, hopeful,and ultimately,more free.

 if you think of the universe as a vast electrical sea in which you are immersed and from which you are formed,opening to your creativity changes you from something bobbing in that sea to a more fully 

Your creativity define who you are   So, always think creative

We meditate to discover our own identity, our right place in scheme of the universe. Through meditation, we acquire and eventually, acknowledge our connection to an inner power that has the ability to transform our outer world . In other words, meditation gives  us not only the light of insight but also the power for expansive change

the position of the artist is humble.He is essential a channel...PIET MONDRIAN

Would you like to be creative?

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